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Valuable Tips To Increase Gas Mileage On Your Porsche

Author: Nidhi Sood on Nov 04,2022
improve gas mileage in porsche


When it comes to Porsches, many think about them as either fast-track cars or collectors' items. The beauty of owning a Porsche is that there are so many different models with different driving dynamics. Whether you own a Boxster, Cayman, 911, or another model, each can provide you with the thrill of acceleration, and the rush of wind around hairpin turns on mountain roads.

However, what makes owning any car challenging is maximizing its potential. One of the biggest challenges in owning a Porsche is getting it to your favorite drive location as often as possible and maximizing its mileage. With that in mind, here are valuable tips to increase your mileage:


Take it easy on the gas pedal

Porsches have some of the best brakes in the industry. However, to save gas, you'll have to start coasting when you're coming up to the red light instead of speeding up and then braking late. Speeding, braking, and sudden acceleration all produce waste gas.

Poor driving habits can reduce fuel economy by 15% to 30%, depending on the type of car. The current national average fuel consumption is $3.09 per gallon (for standard fuel). You can save between 31 cents and $1.24 per gallon if you drive correctly and not like a race car driver. 


Remove the roof!

Are you the type who owns a roof rack but only uses it a few times a year? Remove it until you need it. It simply adds wind resistance and reduces fuel economy. Yes, if you have lights, jerry cans, shovels, and other accessories to compliment your safari or overlander setup, you can just leave it on to keep that great look. Nobody said looking good would be inexpensive.


Reduce your speed

Above 50 miles per hour, gas mileage efficiency begins to decline. According to national research, above 50 mph, a car's gas consumption increases by 22 cents per gallon. While there is an ideal speed range for fuel efficiency for every vehicle, going beyond that range can reduce fuel economy by anywhere from 7 to 14 percent. Slower driving can save you 22 to 43 cents per gallon.


Extras should be left at home

Inflation affects us in several ways, including the daily increase in gasoline prices. To get more miles out of a single tank of petrol, Porsche owners either have to park our gas-guzzling German thoroughbreds in the garage or drastically alter their driving habits.

Fortunately, hypermiling is not a new phenomenon. If you've never heard of it, it's the practice of getting as many miles out of a gallon of gas as possible. There are numerous websites and forums devoted to hypermiling. 

 Reduce the weight of your vehicle. There is an excellent reason to replace that hefty steel bonnet with one made of carbon fiber or aluminum for old Porsche enthusiasts. If you are considering purchasing a new Porsche, select the Weissach Package if it is an option. There is some weight loss to be had. 

Examine what you have in your car that isn't necessary, such as groceries you neglected to take inside the home, gym apparel or equipment, snow shovels, or that spare set of wheels for the autocross or track. You get the idea, get rid of excess weight. 

A 100-pound weight gain in your car can impair gas consumption by up to 1%. The reduction is proportional to the vehicle's weight: heavier vehicles significantly impact smaller vehicles more than heavier ones. Expect to pay up to 3 cents per gallon for every 100 pounds of extra weight.


Make use of cruise control (when appropriate)

When used correctly (i.e., not in mountainous terrain), cruise control can increase MPG (miles per gallon) by as much as 14%. This equates to savings of approximately 43 cents per gallon.


Use air conditioning judiciously

It is common knowledge that using air conditioning consumes more fuel. Make a compromise and turn your air conditioner on recirculation. This means the AC works less (because it's cooling air that's already cold in your cabin rather than cooling outside air as it enters the cockpit). 

While you're at it, if it's hot, park in the shade (but not under a sap-producing tree), and in the lack of shade, use the windshield. You'll limit your air conditioner's work while saving your dashboard.


Check the filters

Check that your Porsche has been tuned and that the air filters have been updated. A clogged air filter will make the engine work harder. Don't let old sparkplugs or a clogged air filter rob you of some of those horses or fuel economy.


Turn off the vehicle

Idling achieves zero miles per gallon and uses several billion gallons of fuel annually. The California Energy Commission (CEC) recommends that automobiles be turned off if the projected wait time is longer than 10 seconds because an idling vehicle can consume up to one gallon of gas per hour. Turning off the automobile will save you roughly 3 cents every minute.


 Examine tire pressure

Minor vehicle maintenance can go a long way toward increasing gas mileage. According to The United States Department of Energy, 1.25 billion gallons of gasoline—roughly 1% of total consumption—are wasted yearly due to underinflated tires. Tires lose approximately 2 pounds per square inch (psi) per month. Each tire that is ten psi underinflated affects fuel economy by around 3.3%.

Four underinflated tires by ten psi will reduce a vehicle's fuel economy by 10% at 31 cents per gallon. Follow the recommendations in Porsche's manual rather than what is stamped on the tire itself.


Replace spark plugs 

Regarding fuel economy, malfunctioning spark plugs can cost drivers as much as 94 cents per gallon at today's prices, as the National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence reported.

If a car's gas mileage suddenly lowers, it's often due to misfiring spark plugs.


Examine the alignment

Misaligned tires drag rather than roll easily. Improper alignment can impair fuel efficiency by up to 10%, or approximately 31 cents per gallon. Furthermore, the tires may wear out faster.

If your tires are out of balance (you'll feel it in the steering wheel), you may experience uneven tire wear, reducing your gas mileage. 


Fill your tank first thing in the morning or the last thing at night

Fuel is delivered by volume. Avoiding the day's heat and filling up your tank when it is cooler will result in a denser energy supply. As a result, you will obtain more petrol for the same price.


Avoid using the clutch excessively

We're not asking you to shift gears without utilizing the clutch. We mean that one should never drive with the clutch engaged unless necessary. This will prevent some fuel from being wasted.


Use premium gas

Regular gas reduces gas mileage, upping the frequency of visits to the gas pump. Premium gas increases gas mileage, decreasing the frequency of visits to the gas pump.


Take your time pacing up and down

To protect your mileage from falling, avoid over-revving. Excessive acceleration wastes a lot of fuel. As a result, we recommend you move cautiously and gradually. This will save you a significant amount of energy while stuck in traffic.



 Proactive measures to enhance fuel efficiency include paying attention to and modifying gas-guzzling driving behaviors and adhering to a vehicle's maintenance schedule. Improved gas mileage benefits you, your car, and the environment. If the cost of gas makes you reconsider driving your Porsche, these tips may help you get an extra mile or two out of each gas tank. Take advantage of those additional miles!

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